Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024)

Published: 2024-06-06


  • Islam's View of Pluralisme:A Study of Maudhu'i Tafsir

    Lalu Bustanil Ulum, Novi Amelia Putri, Nur Farhati (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.31
  • Islamic View On Secularism Through The Methodology Of Maudhu'i Interpretation

    Risma Ayu Nursyahidah, Rofi Nugraha, Asep Abdul Muhyi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.40
  • Analysis of Islam and Liberalism in Surah An-Nisa Verse 135 and Al-Kahf Verse 29 (Analysis of Maudhu'i's Tafsir Method)

    Riyadil Ilmi, Fikri Derus Sumawilaga, Asep Abdul Muhyi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.42
  • The Concept of Religious Moderation: A Study of Maudhu’i’s Interpretation

    Rifki Azkya Ramadhan, Nurul Fadhilah Ramadhani Arqam, Asep Abdul Muhyi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.53
  • Islamic Understanding of Feminism and Gender: Between Tradition and the Pressures of the Age (Pemahaman Islam tentang Feminisme dan Gender: Antara Tradisi dan Tekanan Zaman)

    Abdul Bari, Hasan Muhammad Alfatih, Asep Abdul Muhyi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.47
  • Democracy In Al-Qur'an Perspective: Analysis Of Tafsir Maudhu'i Al-Qurthubi and Quraisy Shihab on Verse Ali-Imran 159

    Adilla Fadila Nasrulloh, Rafi Ahmad Fansury, Rahmah Fauziah, Asep Abdul Muhyi (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.50
  • Islam, Feminism, and Gender Islam, feminisme dan gender

    Sahrudin Udin, Zahra Maia Asyasyra (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.33
  • Buying and Selling Online from the Perspective of Hadith Science (Jual Beli Online dalam Perspektif Hadis)

    D Dadah, Sergie Ahmad Ramadhan, Faiz Zulfan Akbar, Wiksan Zujalis (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.58
  • Historicity of Early Islamic Tafsir; Study the Sources, Characteristics and Methods of Companion's Interpretation (Historisitas Tafsir Masa Awal Islam; Telaah Sumber, Karakteristik, dan Metode Tafsir Sahabat)

    Yurid Shifan Alal Firdaus, S Sumarkan, Nur Istiqlaliyah (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.67
  • Cosmos Verses in Agus Purwanto's Review

    M Muqtadir (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69526/bir.v2i3.151