Contemporary Traditions and Challenges: Tafsir Maudhu’I’s Study of Islam and Fundamentalism


  • Rizki Alfi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia Author
  • Ria Rifkiah UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia Author
  • Asep Abdul Muhyi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia Author



Islam, Fundamentalism, Contemporary Challenge, Maudhu'i


Islam and fundamentalism have become significant subjects in contemporary studies of religion and politics. The presence of fundamentalism in the context of Islam poses complex challenges, particularly in managing the relationship between tradition and contemporary realities. This research employs descriptive and thematic content analysis methods to analyze the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism, exploring its origins, characteristics, and impacts in social, political, and cultural contexts. Through a descriptive approach, this research provides a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism from historical, doctrinal, and practical perspectives. Thematic content analysis allows for an understanding of interpretations and applications of Islamic doctrines that underpin fundamentalist movements. The findings highlight the complexity of the relationship between the rich tradition of Islam and rapidly changing contemporary contexts. While fundamentalism often claims to uphold the "purity" of tradition, this research demonstrates how rigid understandings and interpretations often conflict with the values of modernity, human rights, and pluralism. The results of this research provide deep insights into the dynamics between Islam, fundamentalism, and contemporary challenges. Their implications stimulate critical reflection on how Muslim and non-Muslim societies can respond to these challenges in ways that promote dialogue, tolerance, and mutual understanding.


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