The Correlation between Islam and Globalization According to the Maudhu’i Interpretation


  • Nurafni Alva Prasanti UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Author
  • Priscilla Elsya Adila UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Author
  • Rik’an Mughiry Rosyadi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Author
  • Asep Abdul Muhyi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Author



Globalization, Islam, Al-Qur’an, Rahmatan lil’alamiin


Globalization is a phenomenon of change in today's world that cannot be avoided or prevented. It is a process of modernization and unification of the world in terms of communication, religion, ideology, economy, culture, etc. This paper aims to explain the relationship between globalization and Islam. This paper will explain the characteristics of Islam and globalization, its impact, its existence in the present day and its interpretation in the Qur'an using the maudhu'i method of interpretation. The research method taken is qualitative through a descriptive approach using library research data collection techniques. The results found are the word globalization is represented with al-'alamiin in Qs. Al-Anbiya verse 107 and Qs. Al-Furqan ayat 1. The term "globalization" refers to the concept of universal or comprehensive, which according to Al-Qardawi has almost the same meaning as universal and naturalness (alamiyyah). Globalization has a good impact but also has a bad impact. The concept of rahmatan lil'alamin teaches to always love others, maintain the unity of the people, do not distinguish humans only from tribes, teach to be fair and not arbitrary. In conclusion, Islam with the concept of rahmatan lil'alamin brings values that can be a solution for Muslims in facing globalization.


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